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Monday, 8 August 2011

Reviving My Twitter Account

So I've been neglecting my twitter account for months and now I have decided to bring it back to life.To be honest,I don't really like twitter,it's very complicated and you can get large number of  followers only if you are a big celebrity or The President of the States.Another big reason for my neglect is none of my buddies are on twitter!(Then why did I join it?).Well just say out of curiosity  :-p....♫.Gathering followers on twitter for a not so famous person can be a big problem especially,when you don't know anyone,what are you gonna tweet?and to whom?Many of my tweets are senseless and some complete

Many sites and blogs have their own tips and steps to get you popular on twitter but really they don't work.Believe Me!I've tried.My number of followers have fallen from 15 to 5(O.o) in past 5 months.I guess people follow you only if you follow them back( big deal)the main problem is sometimes you follow them but they don't follow you back(mean people!).!/VikrantKhanka

Yeah!that's my twitter profile don't be mean people visit my profile..... :-/
That's right make me happy lol!

See you later.......

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